Posts: 3
Registered: Aug 25, 2010 09:20:27 AM How to find changes occured between labels applies. In snapshot context.
Posted: Nov 05, 2010 07:02:22 AM Hi,
I have some file in VOB and they have labels. Ex.
\file.txt@@\main\5 with label MyLABEL_v1
\file.txt@@\main\10 with label MyLABEL_v2
and main latest is ex \main\20
I would like to list all versions between those with MyLABEL_v1 and MyLABEL_v2
so expected results are:
Second requirement is that I need this list for each file in current snapshot view. It is critical.
I can also rely on dates instead of labels. But when I provide in cleartool commands like:
find E:\myView\MyVOB -version "created_since(2010-10-27T09:13:08+02:00) && (! created_since(2010-11-01T09:13:08+02:00)) " -print
Returned list seems to be OK but contains informations about files which are not loaded to my view.
Posts: 65
Registered: Nov 17, 2006 05:38:41 AM Re: How to find changes occured between labels applies. In snapshot context.
Posted: Nov 08, 2010 08:40:47 AM

Otherwise, I don't know how you can do your original query in a single cleartool command using labels. I would query for all versions that have the most recent label, and then lookup for each version their predecessor, and then the predecessor's predecessor etc... Until you find the version that has your first label.

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