Saturday, November 13, 2010

Accessing files in ClearCase through PowerShell

I am trying to copy some files out of ClearCase using PowerShell. I don't need to actually check them out - it's part of a build process, so I just want to be able to grab copies of them.

My guess is that I need to use cleartool, perhaps with "find", but I'm having trouble actually getting to the files that I want. No matter what "paths" I use I always get an error message. For example:

cleartool find My_VOB\A_Folder\A_Subfolder -print

gives me the error message, "No such file or directory."

I'm trying to make this script reusable by everyone in our development group, so I'd prefer not to have it tied to any specific view. Do I need to create a view on the fly to work with ClearCase?

Thanks for any help or advice!

View the original article here

1 comment:

  1. Hello, I think that my answer is late, but maybe another one has similar problems.

    you nee to put a backslash in front of the VOB, then it may work.

    cleartool find \My_VOB\A_Folder\A_Subfolder -print
