Posts: 28
Registered: Dec 01, 2006 04:24:44 AM Re: clearcase no response
Posted: Nov 22, 2010 01:02:15 AM

Posts: 28
Registered: Dec 01, 2006 04:24:44 AM Re: clearcase no response
Posted: Nov 22, 2010 01:10:27 AM

I see an empty screen.
Could you give me more detail further description about "Ping uses ICMP port 8 called "echo" ?
Posts: 202
Registered: Jan 15, 2005 05:15:03 PM Re: clearcase no response
Posted: Nov 22, 2010 03:02:24 AM

There is a RFCs collection where all those protocols and their usage is explained.
In short when you ping a remore machine, your PC does send a "hello" message to the address you wish to enquire.
In human terms:
hello AAA I am ZZZ do you read me?
hello ZZZ this is AAA and I read you
When you use:
ping address -a
you ask the remote machine to supply you its human readable name known as DNS
Also the ICMP set is used to build a matrix of machines in a LAN
The full RFC list can be found in here: www.rfc-editor.org
Posts: 412
Registered: Mar 15, 2005 04:40:07 AM Re: clearcase no response
Posted: Nov 22, 2010 09:17:10 AM

> I first use albd_list command.
Then you can ignore telnet, ping etc. for now: this is useful knowledge in general, but it won't help you in this case.
Posts: 422
Registered: Sep 28, 2005 02:20:11 PM Re: clearcase no response
Posted: Nov 23, 2010 09:36:01 AM

Some important tests:
1) Verify that a "loaded" ping (packet size of at least 4096 bytes) works. "ping -l 5120 {registry server name}" is a useful command to test this...
2) Verify whether you can do an lsvob of a known VOB tag. "cleartool lsvob \myvob" If this works, while a full lsvob fails, you most likely have a firewall configuration that is blocking the full communication.
If the single-VOB lsvob fails, then verify that you can actually communicate with the albd port on the server host. The best command for that is the old windows "telnet" program. The syntax is "telnet {registry server name} 371", and if this is successful, you will see NOTHING. If it fails, you will get an error like this:
Connecting To
If the telnet fails that way, you need to determine why you cannot perform this basic communication and resolve the issue. The possible causes are:
1) Name resolution. The server's host name may resolve to an incorrect address in DNS
2) Client-side firewall issue. The ClearCase commands from this host may be getting blocked by a firewall on the client. You would be able to see this in a network trace started on the client, because you will see no communication going out to port 371.
3) intermediate firewall issue.
Note: If the registry server is also this client's ATRIA license server (check clearcase control panel or cleartool hostinfo -long), then the fact that you are NOT getting a license error indicates that basic communication with the albd works.
Brian Cowan
Advisory Software Engineer
ClearCase SoftWare Advisory Team (SWAT)
Rational Software
IBM Software Group
550 King St
Littleton, MA 01460
Phone: 1.978.899.9471
Web: http://www.ibm.com/software/rational/support/
Posts: 412
Registered: Mar 15, 2005 04:40:07 AM Re: clearcase no response
Posted: Nov 23, 2010 11:08:38 AM

> The best command for that is the old windows "telnet" program.
Why is this better than albd_list???
Posts: 422
Registered: Sep 28, 2005 02:20:11 PM Re: clearcase no response
Posted: Nov 23, 2010 11:22:38 AM

Brian Cowan
Advisory Software Engineer
ClearCase SoftWare Advisory Team (SWAT)
Rational Software
IBM Software Group
550 King St
Littleton, MA 01460
Phone: 1.978.899.9471
Web: http://www.ibm.com/software/rational/support/
Posts: 412
Registered: Mar 15, 2005 04:40:07 AM Re: clearcase no response
Posted: Nov 23, 2010 12:34:15 PM

> telnet has the advantage of completely eliminating clearcase from the client-side picture.
This may be an advantage if the test fails, but not, as here, if it succeeds.

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