Saturday, December 11, 2010

Force the use of "-ptime" during checkout

Posts: 75
Registered: Apr 15, 2008 02:17:25 PM Force the use of "-ptime" during checkout
Posted: Dec 08, 2010 02:56:27 PM Hello,

We currently have a scenario where several developers are using the same branch (BRANCH_2 for example) for development. Each developer has their own dynamic view. When a developer checks out a file that does not yet exist on BRANCH_2, all other developers instantly see the new "/main/BRANCH_2/0" version and it has a new timestamp. This causes some larger libraries to be recompiled for what appears to be no reason at all (/main/BRANCH_2/0 is identical to the predecessor version).

We have found that by doing "cleartool co -ptime" to checkout a file, the /main/BRANCH_2/0 version has the same timestamp as its predecessor, so the recompiles do not happen and all is good.

I am looking for a way to enforce the "-ptime" from a Linux environment. It does not appear to be an option in the ".clearcase_profile", nor does there appear to be a way to "transparently" enforce this in a trigger (I think a trigger could be written that examines the command line and simply exists if the developer did not use "-ptime", but I would rather it silently enforce this if at all possible.)

One other solution proposed was to copy every file to the new branch; however, reporting is much easier when only those files modified for the effort exist on the branch.

Thanks in advance for any ideas!


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