Sunday, December 5, 2010

CC plugin for RAD versioning derived objects

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Registered: Nov 24, 2004 09:18:18 AM CC plugin for RAD versioning derived objects
Posted: Dec 03, 2010 08:12:42 AM Has anybody had any experience with the ClearCase plugin (SCM Adapter) for RAD (CC version: 7.0.1; RAD version 7.5)?
I would like to know which is the default behavior with derived objects like sqlj, deploy code files, etc.
A customer of mine is versioning them, and they said that the CC plugin, when they launch the RAD utility to generate the expected d.o., performs the following actions:

1) if there is already a d.o. with the same name at the same path, it removes it (rmname);
2) then, it creates the "new" d.o. as a private file of the view;
3) finally, it versions (mkelem) the new d.o., actually creating an "evil twin";

Obviously, this is not a "friendly" behavior, as this way the versions history of the d.o. is lost, and they cannot compare the different versions.
However, when I performed some tests in the customer's environment, I noticed a different behavior, as the d.o. already versioned were checked out and a new version of them was created.
A customer's developer was with me when performing the tests, and he agreed with me that this was the right behavior.
So, do you think that the "wrong" behavior can really happen or was it a customer's misinterpretation?


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