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Last Post: Dec 17, 2010 1:30 PM Last Post By: HaNguyen Threads: [ Previous |
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Registered: Jun 29, 2006 11:55:08 PM
slient install ClearCase 7.1.2 error log
Posted: Oct 13, 2010 11:07:42 PM Dear All,
When I slient install ClearCase 7.1.2 into the machine (WinXP SP3). The log show the error as below attached. Is it Okay or not ? Please help
C:\CC7\disk1\InstallerImage_win32>installc.exe --launcher.ini silent-install.ini
-input \\itdqc002\C$\response_file\install_clearcase71.xml
INFO OS Name :Windows XP
INFO OS Arch :x86
INFO OS Version :5.1 build 2600 Service Pack 3
INFO Lib Location :C:\Program Files\IBM\RationalSDLC/common/install/com.ibm.rational.licensing.configure_999.999.999.1953806856
INFO New Lib Location :C:\DOCUME~1\2410\LOCALS~1\Temp\1286962467129
INFO Adding C:\DOCUME~1\2410\LOCALS~1\Temp\1286962467129 to the java.library.path
ERROR Adding path C:\DOCUME~1\2410\LOCALS~1\Temp\1286962467129 to loading paths failed : Failed to get field handle to set library path NOT sun system
Posts: 894
Registered: Jun 09, 2005 09:06:53 PM
Re: slient install ClearCase 7.1.2 error log
Posted: Oct 14, 2010 11:09:33 AM

in response to:
JonesWong's post it says "not sun system" and it also says "OS win xp" sounds to me like you are tryingto install a Sum (Solaris) package on a windows system.
Don't Postpone Joy - Have Fun
ReleaseTEAM Inc
IBM Rational Certified Consultants
IBM Business Partner
Posts: 6
Registered: Jun 29, 2006 11:55:08 PM
Re: slient install ClearCase 7.1.2 error log
Posted: Oct 14, 2010 08:54:42 PM

in response to:
martina's post Dear Martina,
How to check the package is a Sum (solaris) or Win ? and how to correct it ??? I just following the instruction to create the package ? Please help again.
Posts: 894
Registered: Jun 09, 2005 09:06:53 PM
Re: slient install ClearCase 7.1.2 error log
Posted: Oct 15, 2010 01:43:37 PM

in response to:
JonesWong's post The easy way for you is to fire up the IM GUI and see whether it shows it as available to you. If its grayed out, it's not for the platform that you are running on.
In PA-Online there is a separate package for every OS. They usually have names that start with CA and end with .zip. While that name isn't descriptive for you, you do want to retain it as part of the file name you save it as as you can backtrack later what package you downloaded.
You "just" have to go into PA-online again and download the right package. If you don't have a PA-online logon you have to backtrack in your company who did the download originally and get them to download the right thing. You may want to look over their shoulder to make sure.
Don't Postpone Joy - Have Fun
ReleaseTEAM Inc
IBM Rational Certified Consultants
IBM Business Partner
Posts: 76
Registered: Dec 03, 2004 04:04:17 PM
Re: slient install ClearCase 7.1.2 error log
Posted: Oct 23, 2010 07:57:01 PM

in response to:
JonesWong's post I am having the same problem also.
I'm working with Windows Installer 1.4.1 and Rational apps 7.1.2 on a Windows 2008 server. I'm trying out the silent install on the server before moving to using the silent install on the PCs.
I created the install repository using the Windows Installer so WI is working fine on Windows.
I think the Sun reference is to Sun Java.
I'm not having the problem installing the apps using the IM GUI.
I've deinstalled and reinstalled so many times my head is spinning.
Posts: 76
Registered: Dec 03, 2004 04:04:17 PM
Re: slient install ClearCase 7.1.2 error log
Posted: Oct 23, 2010 08:34:08 PM

in response to:
JonesWong's post The IM comes with Sun Java. I can see it in the ...\eclipse\jre_5.0.4.sr11_20091106a\jre\bin directory.
This is a new 2008 R2 server and it doesn't look like it has Sun Java installed. I thought that wouldn't be an issue. I'm just trying to install the thick clients.
This server has UAC turned on. I am logged in as Administrator and for extra measure I right clicked on the DOS prompt and am running the DOS session as Administrator. But since I can do this via the GUI it's definately a DOS/silent install issue. Possibly with 7.1.2 and IM 1.4.1 and silent install.
Has anyone gotten that combo to work?
Posts: 76
Registered: Dec 03, 2004 04:04:17 PM
Re: slient install ClearCase 7.1.2 error log
Posted: Oct 23, 2010 10:27:53 PM

in response to:
JonesWong's post Even more information.
I looked at the file in my ..\users\..\temp\ directory and it is the ibmratl_lic.dll file.
And the software appears to be installed.
There's nothing in the log file to tell me more.
I didn't get the error when doing a silent install of CCRC but I did when trying to do a silent install of ReqPro and ClearQuest. So again that points to some FlexLM license related issue.
But I can connect to the license server and use the software.
I'm left not knowing if there's something that didn't install correctly.
Any ideas?
Posts: 76
Registered: Dec 03, 2004 04:04:17 PM
Re: slient install ClearCase 7.1.2 error log
Posted: Oct 24, 2010 04:14:52 PM

in response to:
JonesWong's post I've been trying many ways to do a silent install for the client to a PC from a repository created on a server.
For testing purposes I installed Installation Manager on the PC also but normal end users will not have it so the install has to work without IM on the PC.
If I go to the ..\eclipse directory on the PC and type:
IBMIMc.exe --launcher.ini silend-install.ini -input \\\response_file\.xml it works.
If I try to use the servers installation of IM by typing something like -- \\\eclipse\IBMIMc.exe -- launcher.ini silend-install.ini -input \\\response_file\.xml
I have problems.
At first I was getting the same errors that JonesWong was having. Then I went to the server and modied the IBMIM.ini, launcher.ini and silentinstall.ini and updated the java path to be \\\ instead of C:\.
I stopped getting those errors and now what happens is the Installation Manager splash screen comes up for 10 seconds or so, shuts down and the DOS command aborts with no message.
Has anyone been able to create a client install repository on a Windows 2008 server which they've then successfully installed from a PC without accessing Installation Manager on the PC?
Posts: 894
Registered: Jun 09, 2005 09:06:53 PM
Re: slient install ClearCase 7.1.2 error log
Posted: Oct 25, 2010 11:56:11 AM

in response to:
Barb's post Have you tried to contact support? This sounds very much like a bug.......
Don't Postpone Joy - Have Fun
ReleaseTEAM Inc
IBM Rational Certified Consultants
IBM Business Partner
Posts: 76
Registered: Dec 03, 2004 04:04:17 PM
Re: slient install ClearCase 7.1.2 error log
Posted: Oct 25, 2010 12:38:57 PM

in response to:
JonesWong's post Yes. Opened a ticket Friday after hours. But no support until Monday:(
And even so, I was hoping to hear if anyone else was successfull. If so, then I'd think it's our specific setup/commands that were at fault.
Posts: 171
Registered: Mar 02, 2005 04:56:09 AM
Re: slient install ClearCase 7.1.2 error log
Posted: Oct 28, 2010 06:01:54 AM

in response to:
Barb's post Can You send me the PMR number please?
I've just opened a call because of the same problem.
greetings georg.
Posts: 10
Registered: Nov 08, 2007 08:23:29 AM
Re: slient install ClearCase 7.1.2 error log
Posted: Nov 02, 2010 09:04:45 AM

in response to:
JonesWong's post I am facing the same issue while installing the ClearCase client in a Windows machine.
If IBM tell you a solution, please post it for us.
Thanks in advance.
Posts: 76
Registered: Dec 03, 2004 04:04:17 PM
Re: slient install ClearCase 7.1.2 error log
Posted: Nov 02, 2010 09:24:09 AM

in response to:
JonesWong's post Very poor form of me to submit multiple updates to this ticket and then disappear. It's been a busy few weeks.
Our particular setup is probably different than yours and I'm not sure which error you guys are having. The first error is fixed by updating the jvm location in the ...\eclipse\launcher.ini, ibmim.ini and silent-install.ini files. True you may not need to do it for all 3 but why not.
In our case we're not installing Installation Manager on the end users PC. Instead we're pointing to ibmim on a server and then installing from a repository on the server.
Normally the 3 ini files would have a line that reads something like:
But for us there is no such directory or files on our C drive. We had to update the path to read:
Then the second problem I had with the ibmim splash screen coming up and then shutting down and the install never really starting was because I was using UNC path to get to ibmim.exe. I had to map a drive to the server where ibmim is installed and from the command prompt on the PC change directories to that drive and execute the command from the eclipse directory on the server.
If you're still having problems please detail the steps you're going through and where the download, repository and installation manager files reside.
Posts: 1
Registered: Nov 04, 2010 05:43:19 PM
Re: slient install ClearCase 7.1.2 error log
Posted: Nov 04, 2010 05:52:06 PM

in response to:
JonesWong's post I did faced the issue. It is purly JVM path issue.
Say you have IM in
Goto C:\IM\1.4.1\jre_5.0.4.sr11_20091106a
Copy the "jre" folder"
Go back to c:\IM\1.4.1\
Paste it.
This will resolve all your issues.
After doing the above try executing this.
\\itdqc002\C$\IM\1.4.1\installc.exe --launcher.ini silent-install.ini -input \\itdqc002\C$\response_file\install_clearcase71.xml
Guru Ashok
Posts: 34
Registered: Nov 10, 2008 11:21:20 AM
Re: slient install ClearCase 7.1.2 error log
Posted: Dec 17, 2010 01:30:42 PM

in response to:
GuruAshok's post The problem you are facing has already been identified.
This message coming from a plug-in related to licensing that validates the Operating System and prints a message to the log based on the result.
This non-critical ERROR message can be ignored as long as the product is installed and working correctly.
Here is the technote:
Silent install: Failed to get field handle to set library path NOT sun system
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