Sunday, December 12, 2010

Re: Scrubbing bad events

Posts: 19
Registered: May 05, 2009 09:45:16 AM Scrubbing bad events
Posted: Dec 08, 2010 06:29:05 AM I would like to scrub some very old events from a VOB.
Some of the events might be bed due to a problem I faced with this VOB few years ago.
Now, when I am running the vob_scurbber, it doesn't scrub those events.

What can I do to solve this issue?

Posts: 171
Registered: Mar 02, 2005 04:56:09 AM You can edit the vob_scrubber_params file in ..\ClearCase\config\scrubber to select the kind of events, which will be scrubbed and after which time they will be scrubbed.

But be careful.

You can only select the kind of events, for example mklabel, and all the events will be scrubbed.

You can not distinguish between good and bad events.

greetings georg.

Posts: 19
Registered: May 05, 2009 09:45:16 AM Did it already. The corrupted/bed events are not scrubbed.
Posts: 171
Registered: Mar 02, 2005 04:56:09 AM
Posts: 19
Registered: May 05, 2009 09:45:16 AM
Posts: 426
Registered: Sep 28, 2005 02:20:11 PM It would probably help if you defined what a "bad" event is in this case... Please also note that some events can't be scrubbed or the database would not be able to be reformatted (events are used to find elements/versions/etc to dump...).

Brian Cowan
Advisory Software Engineer
ClearCase SoftWare Advisory Team (SWAT)
Rational Software
IBM Software Group
550 King St
Littleton, MA 01460

Phone: 1.978.899.9471

Posts: 19
Registered: May 05, 2009 09:45:16 AM This is exactly the problem. I am trying to create a new replica for this VOB and the operation core dumps when trying to dump a certain event. It is a mklabel event which was created on October 2008. If I had a way to remove it than I am guessing the mkreplica would work.Help

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